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Thursday, January 10, 2013

One more trip to Cornell

If all goes according to plan (I winch every time I hear that word), we are going back to Cornell at the crack of dawn Friday morning for Ramsey's (HOPEFULLY!!!) last checkup.  He is going to get another set of x-rays, see the vet, the farrier and (also hopefully), get a patch on his foot.  We will see.

If all goes well and according to plan (ouch, there's that nasty little four letter word again), Ramsey is also going to be gelded in the morning.  He is six months old now and we can't put this off much longer without having to make some drastic changes in donkey living arrangements, which I very much don't want to have to do. 

Ramsey has to be at Cornell by 8:00am, which means leaving here around 6:00.  Since I work nights and normally get to bed round's going to be a very long day.  Still, I am really hoping that the weather is OK and we don't have to reschedule. I really want to get there and get all of this done and behind us.  I very much want to come home tomorrow and report that my sound young gelding has returned home for good.  Wish us luck.


  1. Sending good luck wishes your way

  2. You got it, wishing you the best of luck. Bring home a healthy Ramsey.

  3. Best of luck Kris, I hope your life can return to somewhat normal after this, Diana RR

  4. Sending so many good and positive wishes to you and Ramsey. All will be well for sure. You and he deserve nothing less.

  5. Absolutely wishing you & Ramsey tons of luck.

  6. The weather is going to be kind of warm for a few more days, get er done. Keep your legs crossed Ramsey!

  7. I've been wondering about what happens now when Emma goes into heat. Or maybe she doesn't while she's nursing? hmmm.
    Sending you positive energy for your long day and wishes for a good hoof report. And a happy gelding.


  8. I wish you luck and hope all goes well. You are going to need some serious sleep by the time you get home!

  9. Stopping and saying a prayer RIGHT NOW.

  10. It's almost 2 a.m. here - guess I'll have to go to bed with my fingers still crossed! I have a good feeling, though, that everything did go according to plan, that you are indeed returning home with a sound little gelding, and that you'll be able to get a good night's sleep. Best of luck!
