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Sunday, January 13, 2013

In a Fog

I took this photo at high noon today, it's the view from my living room where I can normally look out and see most of my little kingdom.  This is as bright as the world ever got today.  Can you see the horses out there?   Yeah, me neither.  Good thing they come when called.

I think this may be the greyest winter I can remember.  It has been relatively mild, but we all may need to start buying vitamin D pills by the case.   Thank goodness we didn't have to contend with this yesterday. 

Whew, after all that grey I know I need a reminder that the sun actually did make a rare appearance a few days ago.  See, I have proof...

And just in case any of you have forgotten what it looks like...


  1. That sort of greyness is the reason I left Ireland. In Ireland it's grey and dark and wet for most of the winter. At least you have snow to hide the mud!

    1. Two days later and the snow is all gone. We have the worst mud I have ever seen here now.

  2. Beautiful pictures. We have the fog today. I'm not really enjoying this grey weather and it's way too warm, pouring rain today... I can almost see the ticks waking up which I know they will in this warmth and with the snow gone. That kind of stuff I don't like... winter is our only break from it! Glad you got some sunshine!

    1. The ticks have become epidemic here as well. I know they're out there just waiting for a couple more days like this.

  3. Ramsey and the cat!! are they pals?

    1. I'm not sure pals is the right word. The donkeys are fine with the cat until the very neurotic creature tries to scratch a donkey then they try to stomp on her.

  4. Wow! It's cold here in Iowa (19 degrees right now), but the sun usually shines, like now. Hey, in picture #2 it looks like a tiny bus went off the road to the right! Think a bus of vacationing fairies skidded on the road? That would sure go along with Martine's comment about Ireland!

    Nancy in Iowa

    1. That's a bag of shavings I was going to put in the trailer on Friday, but ended up not needing. I was on my way to retrieve it when I took the picture. Your version sounds like a lot more fun though.

    2. I do like the idea of the little people traveling the road when you're not around. Maybe they're also helping Ramsey heal!

  5. And, I forgot to tell you, although I don't post often I follow Ramsey's progress daily. I'm so proud of what you've done with him, and super proud of how the little guy has handled everything. Good work!!!


  6. The Last couple of days we have seen the sun for part of the day....but for the most part, it has stayed hidden behind clouds this winter. I can't wait till spring. Even though it has been a mild winter, Mother Nature has been a big tease this year! :)

  7. I feel like I've forgotten what the sun looks like, which is very rare for us here in Albuquerque. Thanks for the sunshine! It's good to see Emma and Ramsey... I hope you're all doing well.
