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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sunday Stills - Best of 2012

This week's challenge is: best of 2012.  I took a LOT of photos this year.  These are some, but certainly not all of my favorites from this year.  All were taken with my Canon PowerShot A570 point-and-shoot camera, which was given to me as a gift 4 or 5 years ago.  I carry the poor thing around with me in my pocket where it suffers a lot of abuse and near constant barn dust.  I know it is not good for the camera, but I also know that if I didn't have it in my pocket, I just wouldn't take pictures.  I don't have time to set aside for photography and most of the photos I take are opportunistic, spur-of-the moment shots that I could never duplicate or re-capture.  I decided some time ago that it is better to risk the camera then leave it pristine and unused.  I probably won't ever own a really expensive, high quality camera for just this reason.  I would be afraid to use it.

Aside from some rare cropping, all of my photos are SOC and are usually taken on the "auto" setting on the camera.  I do play around with the settings and have learned a lot, but I have found that, with this camera, they don't make that much difference.  The things that I have the most trouble with are action shots (the camera thinks slowly), macros (you have to be at just the right spot to get anything up close), and low light (it just doesn't do low light, end of story).  Still, I am happy with it and I have taken a lot of photos that I like.  They may not measure up to professional standards, but I like having them, sharing them and I have enjoyed taking them and learning more about photography in the process. 

Those of you who have been following along for a while will probably recognize many of these.  Some of them are not great shots, but have significance to me regardless.  In no particular order...



For more Sunday stills or to join in, visit


  1. I smiled all the way through these.

    Best wishes for 2013


  2. You have beautiful donkeys.... and the photo of the 3 collies made me laugh, the look on the face of the one without the stick is priceless.

  3. Way too many to pick a favorite, but if I had to it would be the "Fall reflections" and the "baby donkey". :) Good job.

  4. Well done. I can't pick a favoriteout of those...but you sure got a big AWWWW with the fourth one. Happy New Year to you and yours.

  5. What a wonderful life : ) My favorite - though hard to choose is the one of Ramsey in the woods. Enchanting.

  6. You have such super cute could you go wrong. Have to say the first "ears in the window" one made me laugh. Love the picks and your point and shoot does absolutely fabulous!

  7. The puddle pictures are wonderful... the turtle.. the flowers... and the ear pictures... it's so neat to see how Ramsey has grown in the last seven months! And the fudge was WONDERFUL if I haven't told you!

  8. Love the ears in the windows shot..but they are all good. I still love my old point and feels so good to take it along everywhere. Well done:)

  9. Hard to pick a favorite photo but the subject is easy :-).

  10. Fantastic shots, I really liked the salamander pics and the turtle..:-))

  11. Love your collection. And, you're right, most of these couldn't have been taken if you didn't have your camera right there with you.
    Happy New Year!

  12. I enjoy so much looking each of this photos!!!

  13. So many marvelous pics. A good eye (and some co-operative wildlife!)
