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Friday, December 14, 2012

For every action...

Sometimes, I think that the laws of physics must apply to human actions as well as physical ones....For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction....For every act of kindness, love, compassion or grace there is an act of cruelty, malevolence, meanness or violence.  Today, we need a lot more good in the world to balance things out.

Maybe, the best we can hope for is balance.  I don't know, it feels like I don't know much of anything right now.  It also feels like balance isn't enough, but I have no idea how to tip the scales.  All I can do is be terribly, terribly sorry for the horrible losses in Connecticut and grab hold of and share the kindness, compassion, love and beauty that comes my way.


  1. Thank you for the beautiful pictures on such a sad day

  2. The east coast just dealt with a natural diaster in Super Storm Sandy, now Conneticut is having to deal with a human caused tragedy, with another Sandy name. There is enough heartache in the world withoug a person creating more. We can't control the weather but we need to find a way to stop the madness. Thoughts and prayers to all involved today in Newtown.

  3. We begin with goodness at home. That's the best we can offer. Feeling the sadness too.

  4. The world is reeling from this. Beautiful photographs of your critters and their stable area.

  5. We are sending all in the USA our thoughts and sympathies from the UK, our hearts are broken. We must take time to believe in what is good, your pictures show that it is all around us if we know to look for it, thanks for sharing.

  6. Thank you for the beauty of your pictures and for sharing your beloved animals with us. Will we ever find a way to stop the sickening violence that occurred yesterday? I think this is why I read science fiction - especially about futures where people genuinely care about all others. A big hug to Ramsey!

    Nancy in Iowa

  7. Your sweet pictures helped my heavy heart this morning, plus little Mr. Fuzzy Face, who could brighten everyone's day. Thank you for your heartfelt tribute.

  8. Your 4 legged beauties helped me overcome the sadness/despair/madness that we seem to have in this world in over abundance. How could one not smile at your beautiful pictures and the sweet faces/ (even hind-ends) of your equines. I spent time with my dog today and really didn't want to deal with people. Kinda sad, but true. Your photos helped mend a heavy heart.
    Prayers and loving thoughts to all of you folks who suffered a heartwrenching loss in Connecticut.

  9. Very nice and thoughtful of you. Hard day.
