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Thursday, December 20, 2012

A little Freedom

The one good thing about freezing temperatures, is that it does firm up the wet, sodden ground so that a certain little donkey can wear his sneaker and run around, tormenting his mother...

and kicking up his heels just a little...


  1. Heartwarming to see him looking happy and healthy!!!!!

  2. So glad to see him cavorting as a baby donkey should! Awesome!

  3. What a sweetie he is! Have been meaning to reply to your email about hay bags and feed - will do so very soon - busy time!

  4. Thank you for the package. I couldn't help but laugh when the family said "Oh boy! The donkey fudge has shown up." I see a new busness line called "Donkey Fudge"

  5. Ah, some joi de vivre is such a good sign :)
