My Shop

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Really Good Day!

I went to see Ramsey this afternoon and he is doing GREAT!  He is off IV fluids.  He is on his feet and putting weight on his injured foot.  They still have not decided whether he will need a splint or not, but the swelling in the tendon is gone and he is stretching his leg more on his own.  The vets are talking about WHEN he comes home not IF.  Everyone adores him and both vets made a point of telling me how much fun he is to have around.  Of course, I already knew that.  I am just glad that they are getting to see just why Ramsey is so special.

I spent over an hour with him, scratching all his favorite spots.  I had his lip twitching and his eyes rolling at the pleasure of it.  He loves his toys and some of the students have started playing tug-o-war with him.  There was no sneaking out while he was unconscious this time.  I finally had to corral one of the students to stay with him and distract him while I left.  He is a happy donkey and we are not worried about him giving up on life anymore.  I will have some pictures for you tomorrow.

The sun came out and it stopped spitting sleet at us for the first time in weeks.  Emma took a nap in the sun.

And a simply incredible, amazing, awe inspiring bit of news is that I gave Cornell another $1500 today and it all came from YOU!! 

I started this blog almost as a whim and I have continued with it because I enjoy doing it.  I have been surprised and gratified by how many people seem to enjoy it, but honestly folks, I just had no idea how many of you have come to care about me and my little herd.  I am honored beyond words by your generosity and caring.  Which is why I am going to just say THANK YOU again and shut up now.

Instead, how about some pretty pictures of some Fall colors that tend to get overlooked when the trees are showing off.  I took these for Sunday Stills, but I got a bit distracted last weekend....


  1. WooHoo!!!! Such wonderful news. I can hear your happy voice in your typed words Kris. I can hear the relief.. :) YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!

  2. Ah, that's just superb! Good vibes still flowing :)

  3. Awesome news!!! I have wet cheeks and a BIG smile....Diana RR

  4. Such great news about Ramsey! Will continue to send good thoughts from Southern California.

  5. More Happy tears. I can just see Emma soaking in the rays. I am glad you followed your whim!

  6. More Happy Tears. I can just see Emma soaking in the rays. I am glad you had this whim! Di

  7. So glad to hear the good news. Sending best wishes from a former farm girl now in Portland, OR. Love reading your blog.

  8. so happy.......great news......tears of joy......Blessings Francine.

  9. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yessss!! I've read this post three times, and I think my heart is about twice the size as yesterday. Atta boy, Ramsey!
    Beautiful photos of the more hidden beauty in your world.
    Best wishes always, e.m.

  10. YAY!!! :-D Beautiful pics too. Not sure what those are called, lichens maybe? Whatever, I always think they're pretty too :-).

  11. Aw, Emma. Nobody will be happier to see please. We all want to experience the reunion. Such great news!

  12. So glad to heard this wonderful news!!! great photos!

  13. A few happy tears here this morning. Sending all my love to you and that precious herd!

  14. I'm so pleased that Ramsey continues to improve! Thank you for taking the time to share with us!

  15. That is fantastic news! Sooo happy for sweet Ramsey ... and you!

  16. My sister and I, from the southeast corner of Washington State, follow your blog. I have two legged kids but she has 4 legged kids... 2 donkeys (a regular size one and a miniature), a horse, and a dog (oh, and now 3 chickens... I guess they count as 2 legged kids... ooops). We understand the connection folks have with their kids, whether they are 2 legged or 4 legged. Thanks for sharing your piece of the world with us and keeping us up to speed on Ramsey and the rest of your herd. Keep up the good work!
