My Shop

Friday, November 30, 2012

A Little Good News...

We made to Cornell and back this afternoon.  Ramsey had a new set of x-rays and got to visit with some of his fan club.  The x-rays looked good, there are no significant changes from his last set.  The recurring abscess that had me so worried is actually caused by his heel bulbs rubbing inside of the bandage.  Now that I know that there is not something terrible going on inside his foot causing the pain and swelling I kept seeing, I can address the issue separately.

They told me over and over again when Ramsey came home that I had to keep his foot absolutely dry.  Well, I guess I am nothing if not diligent, because his heel bulbs are too dry.  I am going to apply some ichthamol to that part of the foot when I do bandage changes to help soften it up a bit.  I just have to be careful to treat it separately from the surgical site and not contaminate that area.

The surgical site itself looks good and is forming granulation tissue as it should.  The daily bandage change rather than every-other day has been beneficial and helped stop an incipient infection.  It is a pain, but I am going to continue with the daily changes for a while yet until I am sure everything is OK.  Barring further trouble, he goes back for another checkup in four weeks.

Cornell's farrier trimmed the foot a little and said his other feet look good, which I was very glad to hear since I have been trimming his feet myself.  I keep trying to figure out how this happened and blaming myself is the easiest answer.  However, there is no evidence of that.  In fact, there is no evidence of anything, his feet are in good shape.  I don't think we will ever know what precipitated this.   It could have been something as insignificant as a sliver of hay pricking his coronet band.  All I know is that bacteria got inside his foot and that is that. 

Regardless, Ramsey got a good report card from the vets today and I feel better about where we are at and where we should be going.  I am glad I took him in as I have a much clearer sense of what is happening in his foot and what needs to happen.  I am even more glad that he got to come back home and didn't have to stay.  (Oh, and just wait till you get to see Ramsey's new footwear, it was all the rage at Cornell.)


  1. I am glad Ramsey is doing well. AND I can't WAIT TO SEE his new footwear!

  2. good to hear that is was nothing drastic. Take care.

  3. Aw, Kris..what a relief. I'm so glad Ramsey got to go home to be with his loving family..happy too for Emma and of course, YOU!

  4. What a relief for you to know he is healing well and you are on the right track with his care. You and Cornell will pull Ramsey through this. Good work!

  5. Great news! Keep up the good healing, Ramsay!

  6. Wow, so glad to hear that things are progressing on the right track for Ramsey (and you!). What a journey it has been for you and yours -- must be encouraging to find out that your caretaking skills are keeping things going in the right direction. Here's to continued success in his recovery. Give Ramsey a hug and kiss for me.

  7. Good news! I love your setup for Ramsey and Emma.

  8. So happy for Ramsey, Emma AND you!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  9. Phew what a relief! I was worried about that second abscess! Ramsey will be SO desensitized to everything by the time this is over! Keep up the good work!

  10. Relief, virtual hugs & more good vibes from Scotland.

    The specialist farrier at Glasgow Veterinary School advised me that massaging Vaseline into the coronet band was just as effective & way cheaper than products marketed for hoof growth. Have to say it has worked on my ex-racing TBs, so maybe worth a try when Ramsey's bandage comes off too?

  11. Great news, what a relief. Hugs to Ramsey, big pat for Emma and congrats to you.

  12. You are doing such a good job! Glad Ramsey got to come home and didn't have to stay. I think he might be giving Emma grey hair.
