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Sunday, October 21, 2012


This week's challenge is "what inspires you".  I am inspired by many things and for the most, I think I will just let the photos speak for themselves.  However, I believe that a nearly universal inspiration for taking photos is an attempt to capture a special moment so that it can be shared with those who are not able to see it in person.

To that end, this weeks challenge is going out especially for my friend Linda who just had hip replacement surgery and can not yet get out to enjoy these things for herself.   

Get well and you'll be out-jumping these guys before you know it...


A few more weeks and it may be time to finally start riding??? :-)


  1. Beautiful post :) lovely captures too

  2. Nature has a way of inspiring escpecially when it comes to photography. Love your selection.

  3. Love them all! With special favoritism to the froggy because I simply can't resist them!

  4. Great shots, the froggy pic is stunning!! :-)

  5. These are terrific shots! How can one not be inspired by such beautiful sights. Sunrise is a fav of mine as well. :)

  6. Beautiful puffy clouds and the forest reflection with leaves are ALMOST my favorite, Ramsey gets first prize.

  7. Lovely fall photos!!
    The little one is getting big!

  8. Beautiful! I'll claim them for myself, too, as it's hard for me to get out - bum knees that need replacing, awkward rolling walker and all. So, thank you!!!

    1. My pleasure. I am glad that you enjoy them and I can share them with you.

  9. Awe, Thank You Kris. They are beautiful moments captured by your special eye, and then shared for all to enjoy. They are definitely inspirational, and make me more determined to get all this behind me. Again, thank you. This really made my day.

  10. Really beautiful photos! I always love photos of "Ramsey". Just the cutest little creature in the world!

  11. Oooohhh your photos are nicer each day!!! those ones are wonderful l!!!

  12. All your photos are frame-worthy!

    Ramses looks so cute in his fuzz... miss the black, but WOW, will he look sharp next summer!!

  13. Oh I love the frog..and the foggy sunrise..well done:)

  14. We are on the same wavelength! Beautiful shots and I love your header.

  15. Wow! Very pretty photos. Had to laugh when I came to the last one though! Such a doll that Ramsey boy is!

  16. am stuck with the frog, so green and cute :)

  17. gosh your photos are beautiful, i really like your fall leaf shots

  18. Loved your take on this challenge.
