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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Sky is Falling

This morning, BowStreetFlowers asked me if Ramsey has ever brayed.  Well, I was sitting on my deck a few minutes after reading that, imbibing my daily allotment of caffeine when I heard a crazy sound.  The sound of a 2 month old baby donkey screaming MOMMY, MOMMY, MOMMMMMY, WHERE ARE YOU!??? MOMMMY, THE SKY IS FALLING!!!

The horses came flying out of the barn, Tanner started barking and running in circles, birds flew out of the trees and I leaped up, racing to see what terrible fate was befalling my precious donkey baby. 

You know, it really is amazing, the variation and quantity of disasters my brain is capable of conjuring up in the 2.8 seconds it took for me to reach the other end of the deck.  Whereupon I find....Ramsey running to Emma, crying all the way.  He had fallen asleep in the grass and waking, couldn't see Emma grazing just two hundred feet away. 

So, BowStreetFlowers, in answer to your question, I guess Ramsey has brayed.  I kinda hope he holds off on trying it again anytime soon.  The poor birds might fall right out of the sky next time. 


  1. That gave me a smile this morning :-) wonder if Ramsey got a shock when he realised how magnificent his voice is??

    1. I'm not sure that "magnificent" is quite the right word for it just yet:) Lets just say that it has a ways to go.

  2. What a great story!! Was Emma startled too? I've read that male donkeys are quite the vocalists!

    1. Emma just gave him a "what's your problem" look. She did give him a nice donkey hug when he caught up to her though.

  3. I am so happy I found your blog.. :)
    Have to admit that a teeny bit I am so happy is that you too have the ability to conjure up various quantities of disasters is short order. But mostly it is that little Ramsey. I am getting to know the other characters here.

  4. LOL! First brays are weird arn't they? But it doesn't take them long to get it right. :-)

  5. Way to cute! I sure wished I could of been there!

  6. Like a little rooster learning to crow!

    Your videos brought back many memories of donkey babies. Thank you!
