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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sunday Stills - Light

This week's challenge was "rays of sunlight".  We've certainly had a lot of those this summer.  The light is changing though, we can all feel it.  It is still hot, but the sun is just a bit less intense and the angle is noticeably different.  This is very easy to track here since the front of the house faces due west, this place is a bit like living inside a giant sun dial.  It's not here yet, but Fall is coming.

My favorite time of the day is just before sunset and these days, the sun washes over my entire property as it sets.  It floods everything, but can be difficult to capture with the camera.  A few days ago, it was the equines (as usual) who trapped the sun beams for me...

And Tanner, who is himself a ray of light and does not want to be left out...


  1. I love that 4th one from the bottom with them playing. And thanks for your comment on my poetry!

  2. The second photo with Tessa, it's so nice.

  3. Really nice! Loved the dancing horses - and of course Tanner : )

  4. Loved the 2 donkey lighted up around and for sure Tanner :)

  5. The last photo of Emma and Ramsey is wonderful! Yes, you can feel the change of seasons coming.

  6. They grow up just too fast, don't they? Ramsey almost fits his ears now.

  7. Ramsey looks like a big stuffed toy - something you'd win at a fair. He looks so cuddly! The photos of your horses are fantastic!

    Nancy in Iowa

  8. Nice job! My fav is the photo of your two horses playing, or maybe Emma & Ramsey backlit by the sunset, or...guess I like them all!

  9. How much time to you spend grooming the horses, Emma? The horse's manes are so beautiful!
