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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Pot of Gold

We had the most amazing sunset this evening.  It has been rainy and stormy, we had crazy wind, storms and tornado watches most of the day.  Fortunately, they never amounted to anything and just before the sun set the clouds moved out to the east and a clear space opened to the west.  As the sun went down, it lit up the receding storm clouds in the Eastern sky while simultaneously burning brilliant in the west.  The reflected light from the eastern clouds turned the whole world a shimmering, glowing gold.  I have never, ever seen anything like it.  I stood under the sky and watched as even my own skin turned gold.

I took these photos with my iPod so they aren't as clear as I would have liked (this would, of course, be the one day I loaned my camera to a friend), but hopefully they will give you a hint.  This was the eastern sky...

And off to the west...



  1. Oh Kris, this sky is amazing,with crazy and gorgeous colors.!!

  2. Nancy had some pics of the sky yesterday also, just amazing! It was really cool how everything glowed!

  3. Magnificent clouds, we get them here in the desert mountains every now and then and I just marvel at their beauty.

  4. Beautiful. You had a "southwest desert" kind of sunset. Rebecca from Nevada

  5. WOW!! Beautiful skies and pictures!!

  6. Wow. IPhone 4? You and Carson took some winner sky shots for today's post.
    Our scary storm never came either...just rain and no gorgeous sunset.

  7. Your ipod pix were excellent - I couldn't do that well with a regular camera. What an absolutely gorgeous end to the day!!!!

    Nancy in Iowa
