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Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Bopsy Twins

Do you all need a break from relentless cuteness of baby Ramsey?  Have you been wondering what happened to the other equines on the farm?  Honest, I haven't forgotten them and they aren't being neglected too awful badly.

In fact, because of the heat, the bugs, the heat, the humidity, the heat, the drought and of course the heat, they have been quite happy to stand in their breezy, shady shed and do nothing.  I should be doing more to further Gabe's training, but what he needs now is mileage and fine tuning.  Since my schedule mostly leaves the heat of the day open for working the horses, it just isn't gonna happen until the weather breaks.  Neither of us can stand it and the heat and fly stress leads to so much frustration on both sides that it is more likely to do harm than good.  At least, that's what I keep telling myself. 

Besides, Ramsey is growing so fast and he is going to be a baby for such a short time, I have decided to say to hell with all the other "should-be's" and spend my time with him and Emma.  I think it will pay off in the long run.  The lessons Ramsey is learning now will be with him forever and I want to get it right.  Good training and good manners are the best protection an equine can have in this world.

In the meantime the Bopsy Twins are doing what they do best...

They've also heard about last weeks Olympic games and have decided to get in on the action.  They're going to compete in the Synchronized Spots classes.  What do you think, will anyone be able to beat this team?...