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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Looking Good Feeling Good

Much of this year has been rather rough for Emma.  She was so heavily pregnant that she often seemed to have trouble waddling around let alone playing.  Forget about dancing.  Before Ramsey's birth, Emma was spending 8-10 hours a day laying down, sleeping hard.  She was very bothered by the heat.

When Ramsey was born,  Emma did a wonderful job and she is being a fantastic mother, but the birth was hard on her and took a lot out of her.  However, it's been three weeks now since our little monster showed up and Emma is not just looking good, she is starting to feel good.  She is no longer troubled by the heat and has taken to sunbathing while the rest of us hide in the shade and whine about the incessant heat.  She is very, very happy to not be pregnant any more.

I am very happy with how Emma looks right now, I think she is in ideal condition at the moment and I am working hard to keep her that way.... 
(Feeding an underage, pregnant donkey has been an interesting challenge.  I am not sure if anybody is interested in the details, but let me know if you are.  I would be happy to share some of what I have learned.)

Most importantly, Emma feels good.  She is feeling so good that she has started to join Ramsey on some of his gallops....
These were taken on the day my pond was re-dug.  Every day since then, Emma has joined Ramsey in at least one of his many-times-a-day gallops.  This evening, I was on the tractor mowing the field (so Ramsey will have more room to play) and I had to stop and watch them for a while.  Ramsey runs, as fast as he can go, in big sweeping circles.  He weaves in and around any obstacle he can find, making patterns and loops.  Emma stays 20 feet behind him and follows his every move, occasionally adding a twisting kick or a tossed head, but faithfully following his every weave and dodge.  They reminded me of the barn swallows who were also swooping and diving around the tractor, chasing the bugs stirred up by the mower and flying for the joy of it. 

Ramsey is always great fun to watch while he plays and even more fun to play with, but it was such a joy to see Emma finally running, playing and feeling good once again.  My Dancing Donkey is getting ready to start dancing again.


  1. Very nice to see Enma playing again.Ramsey it's so fast!

  2. Your videos are great! I've always thought that Emma is a lovely looking donkey (especially the photo on your front page).

  3. Oh yes, HAPPY donkeys! I love watching them run and play!
    Emma looks great, you have done a outstanding job with her.

  4. Emma! She looks so sleek and beautiful. Do you let her graze freely all day on the grass? I've noticed several donkeys here in the northeast who LOOK pregnant because they're overweight. Do you have to limit her access to the pasture?

    1. At the moment, Emma's nutritional needs are so high that I am working to keep her from losing weight. She gets to graze as much as she wants and I am supplementing that with grain and hay. In the future, when she is no longer lactating and growing herself, I am sure that I will have to limit her food intake. For now, she gets to eat whatever she wants. Being pregnant for half her lifetime so far has some rewards:)

  5. Emma is rocking those flying lead changes. What an absolute joy to watch her.

  6. It must be so fun for you to watch this every day. Thank you very much for sharing the videos!

  7. Ramsey ignores you as he races by, but Emma usually acknowledges you with a look or nod. Don't know how you get ANYTHING done around your place with Ramsey for entertainment.

  8. Emma is looking good and I'm glad to see she's feeling good too. I think nobody would have wanted to be pregnant with the heat. Ramsey is adorable and fast. Love the videos.

  9. so glad all is well and your anxiety is past

  10. the videos and music are great

  11. Thank you for sharing the videos with us. Emma looks fabulous and having fun with her little spunky fella. I love your choice of music. Especially the rendition of Devil Woman!

  12. Oh my heart sings with Emma. I am so glad she is feeling her youth again. Thanks for sharing.
