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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Family Update

I got another update on the rest of Emma's family and this time I have some pictures!  Dash is doing well and healing nicely.  He went back to Cornell last Friday to have the cast changed again and he is doing well enough that it should be his last trip to Cornell.  The next cast change can be done at home and after that, he may not need it anymore. 

Mom and Dad, now known as Poncho and Petunia, are enjoying their new home and are much loved.  Petunia is the lovely blond lying in the straw while Poncho stands guard. 

Petunia is expecting another baby this summer.  She has had 5 babies in the last 5 years and hopefully, this will be her last.  She is a wonderful mother and Emma and Dash prove that these two make wonderful babies, but enough is enough.  For all that she has been nursing and gestating continually for years now, she was the donkey in the best condition when I first met them.  She is made of strong stuff and is sweet and friendly as a warm Spring day.  A beautiful donkey in every way.

Poncho was in the poorest condition, he was very thin and tormented by flies, lice and mites.  He was covered in scabs and open sores on his legs.  His feet were some of the worst I have ever seen.  It is very good to see him standing here squarely on all four feet, with good food, a good barn, a good friend.  A good home.


  1. Thanks for the happy ending story. Poor Poncho is probably very, very grateful for his happy life now.

  2. They have great names and they're so handsome. First photo it's like a post-card.

  3. I love Petunias color! They are looking GOOD!

  4. A lovely couple! I like the dark markings on Petunia's ears. Poncho was gelded?

    1. I am not sure if he has been gelded yet, but I beleive that is the plan. Since Petunia is already pregnant, there is no great rush. Better to let him get healthier first. I love those marking on Petunia's ears as well, she is a wonderful donkey. Just like Emma!
