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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Donkey In The Woods

My dog went over to my friend's place early today so that he could deal with a pigeon infestation (you've heard of using Border Collies for goose patrol?  Well, Tanner also excels at pigeon control and it gladdens his Border Collie soul to deal with such riff-raff).  This left me without my hiking companion and since the idea of hiking in the woods without my dog left me completely adrift, I had to enlist some help.

It surprises me that more people don't recognize the pleasure of hiking with a donkey.  Those old-time prospectors knew what they were doing when they headed off into the hills with just a donkey and a few provisions.  I knew that Emma is very intelligent, but this afternoon she gave me a real demonstration.  Not only did she walk off into the woods with me with no histrionics or balking (in spite of the painted ponies using it as a good excuse to set their brains aside for a bit) she also demonstrated just how much she thinks about her surroundings.

At one point, Emma and I accidentally wound up on opposite sides of a tree and were both brought up short.  After that, every time we approached a tree, she ducked in behind me.  I know people who don't figure things out that quickly.  When the trail widened out, she moved up to my side.  When trees got thick, she followed close.

She carefully watched her footing with every step and if she didn't like what she saw, she would pause until I made a path and then very carefully follow in my footsteps.  At one point we stumbled into a patch of deep snow (which Emma hates, sensible creature that she is).  She took a couple of steps through the stuff on her own, found she didn't like it, and ever so delicately, hopped into my footprints and carefully followed them out.  That kind of thing takes reasoning and thought.   

We were out for about an hour, and Emma never showed any signs of nervousness or anxiety to return to the barn.  When confronted with potentially scary objects, she stopped, observed, assessed, processed and moved on.  I can see why donkeys would make very good riding partners, she would be much safer to ride then a horse.  I could never take an 18 month old horse hiking in the woods without spending a lot of time and energy in prior  training.  And, being out alone like this makes even older, well trained horses nervous.  If you are looking for a good companion to go on long walks with you, who will look out for herself and be good company at the same time, then what you need is a good donkey. 


  1. AND A Donkey I DO HAVE! The new one, because he is in quarentine, still, and because I feel sorry for him all alone, I take him out for walks every day! Well when the wind isn't blowing 90 mph.! Walking with my donkey IS a lot of fun! He eye balls everything different on the ground. If I could get Star out of the pasture, her and I would go for walks, but she will not budge past the gate! But yes, I totally agree with you! Going for a walk with your Donkey is a lot of fun!

    1. I am glad you caved and got another donkey. give it a little time, he may just charm Star out the gate for you. She just needs to get past wahtever made her afraid. Probably electric fence in her past life.

  2. It looks like there wouldn't be any issues(for Emma at least) to pony her along on a trail ride.
    PS If Tanner would like to re-home some geese, I've a job for him!

    1. I guess we are going to have to visit, Tanner hasn't gotten to chase any geese yet this year.

  3. Wow, how cool is that? I am so jealous! Kind of like a giant dog!

    1. There are lots and lots of donkeys that need homes. Just saying...:)

  4. Just a big smile here! Enjoy your donkey!

  5. Walking with a donkey is absolutely my favorite thing to do! I take someone out (usually one of the minis) almost every dry day, even if it's just to the mailbox! But getting off-road and into the woods is fabulous and I agree, donkeys make great hiking companions!

  6. Howdy, What size halter do you use on your donkey? Pony or Foal? I am having a hard time find one that fits ours.

    1. Actually, the halter I have been using on Emma is a cobb-job. It is a beta halter that I had for Tessa and I shrunk it down to size useing black electrical tape. I have not been able to find anything that fits her. I have found a couple of sites that sell halters made for donkeys but have not yet tried them. The websites I found are:

      If you dicide to try either of these, let me know. I would love to hear how they fit:)

  7. Wonderful story. Great observations. Thanks.

  8. The Hamilton yearling horse halter with the adjustable chin strap fit my 46 inch standards.
    For the foals I use minni horse halters untill they outgrow them then I TRY to find a pony one with the adjustable chin strap

    1. Thanks Mel, I did try the Hamilton yearling on Emma, but it was still too big. She has grown some and it may fit her later. She is just 42" tall now. How long did it take for yours to reach their full height? I think Emma has quite a bit of growing to do, but I am not sure how having a baby might affect that. Hopefully, if I feed her well enough, it won't matter.

    2. 3 years for a standard to be full grown!

  9. You both looks very sensitive.
    I'm having problems to go for a walk with both at the same time,and if I take one out,the want left in, will go nuts and I afraid they pull the fence down... The other day, the baby,Cinamon, run away when I was with both,it was a caos!!!

  10. i just found your lovely blog tonight and it's great. i just bought a donkey as a companion for my horse and i am in dire need of a rainsheet. my rainsheet of choice is a horseware amigo 1200D and it looks like you found a horseware (rambo?) for your donkey - can you tell me where you found it? i am having so much trouble finding this blanket in "pony" sizes. my donkey is 11HH, much bigger than yours i think. my email addy is please advise: )

    1. I bought both of Emma's blankets from Schneider's at:

      They have a nice selection of good quality blankets in pony sizes at reasonable prices. I have been very happy with them.

      Congratulations on your entry into donkeydom. I hope you enjoy your new donkey as much as I enjoy Emma.
