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Sunday, January 8, 2012

What do you do with a donkey?

Ever since I brought Emma home people keep asking me, "what do you do with a donkey?"  I admit that I used to be one of these people.   There are lots of answers to this question, you can drive them, ride them, pack with them, teach them tricks, use them as therapy animals, etc.  The list is quite long and limited mostly by our own preconceptions.

I do have visions of teaching Emma to drive but, I also know that if I don't get around to it any time soon, it doesn't matter.  Emma is already doing everything she ever needs to do.  I can walk out into my field, late on cold, clear night after a hard thing has just happened.  There, under the light of a full moon, all of my animals come crowding around, wanting nothing more than to share my space.  There I find my "worthless" crippled horse, my aging border collie, a green gelding and a young, pregnant donkey smiling up at me.  She brings pure joy into my life and what more could you ever ask of anything.  So, the next time you hear someone ask "what to you do with a donkey?", the answer is very simple, you love her and that will be enough. 


  1. I couldn't have said it better. I'm often asked the same - "Why do you have a donkey", and I always say "because she makes me smile".

  2. Donkeys are just for love. Love, love, love. We don't do anything else with ours. Thanks for your comment on my post -- you understand so well why I chose Winston. :)

  3. Oh boy you have nailed it on the head!!!!! I love my donkey so much, and she provides me with all the kisses and hugs I could ever want or need!

  4. I totally agree. He was a wedding anniversary gift. I named him Ripley because i knew no one would believe me. He always makes me smile.
