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Monday, January 23, 2012

The Duties & Obligations Of A Pasture Ornament

Many people think that becoming a pasture ornament is a pretty cushy job, and here at least, that is undoubtedly true.  The position comes with full-time maid service, fun companions, good food and a generally happy life.  There are, however, some obligations attached to being a good pasture ornament which help secure the position.  To that end, Tessa has agreed to share some pasture-ornament pointers:

It is not only important to actually be ornamental....

One must also be kind to one's pasture mates and look out for their welfare...

 Provide guidance over rough terrain... 

Maintain a high degree of cleanliness and shine even when faced with difficult, muddy conditions...

Offer product testing for your sponsors...
Look out for each other....

Don't spend too much time gossiping and whispering...

Be willing to share one's rations...

And lest you think that this job is only for beauty queens, (Lord knows this is not the place for that!) feel free to run around bucking and farting on occasion...

The occasional bit of ridiculousness is OK....

Go ahead and relax, make yourself at home....

And don't worry about having the occasional Bad-Hair-Day....


  1. Pretty Tessa. Funny, delightful post. Addictive blog. Thank you from a (horse- and donkey-less, unhappy) city dweller!

    1. Sounds like you need to relocate and get yourself out of the city. Terrible places, cities. I am glad you are enjoying the blog.

  2. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it.

  3. Great instructions on how to be the perfect pasture diva. Tessa is gorgeous and your donkey is adorable. So glad to see Tessa's got it all under control.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and becoming a follower, I appreciate it.
