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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What's in a name?

Quite a lot actually.  At least I think so, which is why I am trying to find a new name for my new horse.  He came with the name Diablo but, that name has bad associations for me and I would like to find something different.  I am a firm believer that everybody deserves a good name and I don't like re-using names. The only problem is that I am having trouble coming up with a good name for this fellow.  What's a blogger to do?  Have a contest of course.  So, if anybody sends me a suggestion and I decide to use it, I will send you some of my very special, homemade Christmas fudge. 

Here are a few generalities of names I like...
  • I like short names, usually two syllables (ie, Emma, Tessa, Tanner, Tika, Gwenna, Suki, Quinn...all names of animals past and present).
  • I don't like names with negative connotations (ie, Diablo, Devil, Satan, Killer, etc)
  • I don't like excessively cutesy names whose charm wears off too quickly
The above are just generalities, don't let them limit you!  Send me your suggestions.  I don't have any fancy corporate sponsors to provide prizes but my fudge is a special treat. 


  1. He's quite a looker!
    The first thing I think of when I see him are those gorgeous Gypsy Vanner horses, which are also called Tinker horses.
    Perhaps you could call him Tynker or Tinker?

    Tessa and Tynker!


  2. Looking at his right side, the white looks like a stingray. That is my suggestion! Or Stinger for short.

  3. Since he's a Paint, or appears to be... I got to thinking about artists' names.

    Pablo came to mind immediately.

    I like human names for animals.... all of my horses, dogs etc have had human names.


  4. I think Zebedee might suit him. He reminds me of a horse I used to know called Whisky.


  5. Since you don't like Diablo (neither do I) how about the opposite, Gabriel like the angel? You could call him Gabe or Gabby.


  6. I like my pets to name themselves, but having a contest is great too. As I sit and study his photos, because he is an eye catcher, and just gorgeous!, the name INDY comes to mind. For a few reasons. I like a name with a hard consonant sound in it. Like your "T"essa. My Li"bb"y. It kind of grabs their attention when you work with them. In"D"y. Plus, he is so INKY pretty. Or you could go for a cool spelling of Indee. If any more come to mind, I will post.

  7. Shamrock, Cheyenne, Skeeter

  8. He is the color of of a McDonald's oreo McFlurry, so I would call him McFlurry.

  9. How about Wyatt or Lucas?

  10. Here's my 2 cents: Pepper, Poppy, Sunny, Jasper, Tucker, Shiloh, or Piper! I think naming animals is really interesting - their personalities can automatically rule out certain names... Good luck!
    Rachel in Ontario

  11. Blotter, as in ink blot is what came to mind when I saw the pictures. He is purdy!

  12. His pictures and your description immediately put "Allegro" in my head, like the tempo in music meaning fast&joyful. But that's three syllables, so my second "inspiration" was "Giusto" (a tempo giusto, at just the right, steady speed)(pron. with a nice long u as in Jupiter). He does seem just right for you!
    Congratulations on your new companion and best wishes always. EM

  13. A good traditional paint name, like Scout?

  14. Rorshach (Rory), Tonka, Sundown (Sonny), Baron, Kinko...

  15. Tonka, from the great Disney movie. That horse was named Tonka Wakan, meaning "The Great One."

  16. has a broken heart on his side...also looks like a face at a distance. Chochise
