My Shop

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Emma Goes to Work

Emma's been practicing for the road crews.  She doesn't think I have been providing enough carrots so she swears she is going to go get a job at the town barn and buy her own damn carrots.  She says she is perfectly willing to spend the day moving cones....

 acting as a warning barrier...
directing traffic....
 working as the "follow-me" car.....
and providing detour signs.....
Maybe I should just go get more carrots.


  1. What a funny girl! Thanks for the grins, the pics are adorable!

  2. I can't wait till I can do this with Star. I know she has a lot to get use to at my place, and it has ONLY been a week...but she is so skittish of me, that it just breaks my heart. The traffic cone that I got her, is still sitting in the same place.
