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Friday, October 28, 2011

Rain, rain go away....

It's been wet here this fall, very wet.  We have had nearly 35 inches of rain over what we normally get.  To put that into donkey perspective, 35 inches is just shy of  Emma's 40 inches.  If I was to somehow convince her to go into a swimming pool filled with 3 feet of water, about the only thing we would see of her would be her ears.  Good thing she has long ears.

Yesterday was the worst sort of weather for animals.  It rained hard all night and throughout the day while the temperature dropped steadily until the rain turned to wet, heavy snow in the late afternoon.  The temps continued to drop down into the 20's.  Horses and donkeys generally handle freezing temps with no trouble but not when they are already soaking wet.  

We are all just trying to stay dry however we can.

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