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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pack Train

I am trying to be optimistic about Tessa's future as a riding horse, hoping that she is on her way to a full recovery.  This would pose a minor obstacle however...what to do with Emma while Tessa and I are out blazing the trails?  The answer is simple, Emma just has to come with us of course.  The exercise is just what a donkey needs.  To that happy end, I have been trying to teach Emma to pony off of Tessa.  All without actually riding Tessa. 

Tess is not sure she likes this game, "Not this again, Ma!"
"Yes, Tess.  Just try to think of it as physical therapy, just a little walk down the driveway"

Emma's not sure she sees the point either

Still, we made some progress...
Maybe I need to find a pack saddle and some gold panning equipment and head west!  Donkeys are desert animals after all.

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