My Shop

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Caught In the Act

"Who me???"

"You don't think I would ever cause any trouble do you?  C'mon, you know you can trust this face...."

"I'm just a sweet, little, innocent donkey.  Why, even angels speak my name. "

"You know I would never, ever, make trouble."

"Truly, you can believe me.  It's not ME who pulls the fence post out of the ground EVERY. SINGLE. DAY....."

"OK, so I can see where you might get the wrong idea, but I swear, that photo is totally fake.  It's FAKE NEWS!"

"That photo is so thing I know, you'll be calling me Sasquatch!"

"Hey, psst, bloggy peeps....errr, um, anyone know a good lawyer wanting to do a bit of pro-bono work for a totally innocent little donkey?  Tell him your friend Sasquatch Albert might need a wee bit of help...."

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Black Friday Shopping

This whole Black friday shopping thing just baffles me, but then...I hate shopping, big crowds, bright lights, traffic, cities, etc, etc.  No matter how crazy it seems to me though, there are always people lined up at the door, milling around and waiting for them to open....

There are always people squabbling over the latest toy craze...

Shoppers hoarding goodies and standing watch over them like they are going to get snatched right out from under them...

....and others who going home empty handed.

Seems to me that the best part of Black Friday shopping would be coming home and enjoying some leftovers....I do love leftovers, it's my favorite food.

Maybe a bite of pie as consolation for missing out on the toy-of-the-day.

Then again, you could just stay home and enjoy the leftovers without all the shopping horrors.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Where The Hell is The Joy?

Sooo...seeing as we had a foot of snow last night with a side dish of sleet, several people sent this to me today:
Image may contain: text that says 'If you choose not to find joy in the snow, you will have less joy in your life but still the same amount of snow. @mindfulfitness'

Clearly, there is truth in that and, given the forecast for the foreseeable future....

I went out this morning to try to find some f***ing joy.

Hmmm...definitely no joy here...

"How about you Ben, have you found some joy today?"

"Do I look like I've found any joy?"


"Mr. Einstein, have you spotted any joy lying around?"

"That depends on whether or not you have cookies in your pocket???"

"Yeah....that's gonna be some more non-joy.  We are out of cookies."

I don't think I even need to ask Ramsey.  If there is anyone around here who finds less joy in snow than I do.......

"Hey Ma!"

"Yes Emma?"

"I know where the joy is stored.  It's those yummy pellets in the barrel right right behind you...Just step aside and we'll liven this place right up!"

"Sorry guys, having to make an emergency call to the vet because you gobbled all the joy is not exactly what I was hoping for."

"Bummer,  you can be such a killjoy Ma.  In that case, you better go play with the stooopid dog cause this is about all the joy you're gonna find here today."

Yup, there is some joy...

...and it's the first time since last winter that he hasn't had muddy feet.

Whew.  Some days you have to look long and hard to find a bit of joy.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Wild Enthusiasm

How I wish we could send some of our endless rain, mud and now snow out to CA.  Instead, all we can do is hope for rain in the west and try to be as enthusiastic as Connor is about mud and snow.

Although....if you can match this... might end up scaring all your friends....

...and learning more than you ever wanted to know about antipsychotics. 

Monday, November 5, 2018

Lest We Forget....

 That the sun still does exist somewhere and it doesn't really rain EVERY day...

....even if it is hard to tell.