My Shop

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Updates and Advice

I have talked with a couple of vets today, but still have not managed to get one to come out and check on Emma and her baby.  In all fairness, one of them will come out here, but she does not have the right ultrasound machine to actually give me much useful info.  By her own admission, I would be better getting someone else.  The one vet who does have the right machine has not yet returned any of my calls.

Emma seems to be having episodes of false labor, which are rare but not unheard of in equines.  So far, I am still hopeful that all is well and Emma is working towards delivering a healthy baby.  It may be that the baby is trying to move into the birthing position and because of Emma's small stature, it is triggering the false labor.  If I still can't reach the person with the magic machine in the morning, I will at least have Emma checked by the one vet willing to come out.  She can at least tell me if the baby is still OK.  

Aside from the false labor episodes, Emma acts healthy and happy.  She has a good appetite, still wants her daily scratching and brushing sessions, begs for treats and in general acts happy and content.  All of  which is why I have not yet panicked.  If it comes down to it, I will find someone to truck her to Cornell, but I am not ready to put her through that yet.  I consider it a last resort due to the stress it would cause her at this time.   

In the meantime, Tessa has offered her own advice on how to handle foaling stress.  Actually, Tessa says this is just the way one should live.  I wish I could learn how to follow this advice... 

"Keep your strength up with plenty of good food...
Take a nap whenever the opportunity presents itself...

Stay close to good friends...

And do your best to SHINE all the time"...


It looked like there was going to be a baby this morning.  Emma was laying down, moaning and groaning, sweating on her flanks and neck, looking at her side.  This went on for about 10 minutes then she got up and started moving around.  She was holding her tail up and out, then she walked around some more and everything just....quit, stopped, went away.  This has happened several times now.  I spoke with the vet on Friday, she says give her time.  Tried calling again today, but never got a call back.  In the morning, I'm going to try again.  Insist she come out and at least make sure the baby is still OK.  It just doesn't seem right to me.

Emma acts perfectly fine and happy.  I am holding to that.    

Monday, May 28, 2012


"Geeze Ma, it's HOT."

"I know Em, someone sure turned up the heat today."

"Can't you do something about it, I'm HOT."

"I can't do anything about the weather, but how about a cold-hose-spa-treatment?"

"Good idea...
Ahhh, that feels good.  At least you humans have this plumbing stuff figured out.

"Can't argue there, a good shower is one of the real wonders of the world...
You know Em, you'd probably feel better if you had this baby soon."

"You know Ma, I'm almost starting to believe you about all this baby stuff.  I do feel kinda weird lately and have you seen what's happened to my belly?!"

Finally!  "I know Em, but we'll have lots of fun with the baby once it gets here and your belly will go back to how it used to be.  You'll see."

"Hmmm, I'm not sure I really understand the whole concept anyway.  Maybe Tess can show me...I think I'll stick close to her, she'll know what to do right?  She's BIG." 

"Well really,  it just doesn't work that way.  Unfortunately, I don't think Tessa will be much help .  We'll all try to help any way we can but honestly, it's mostly gonna be up to you.  You'll know what to do when to time comes."

"Hmmph.  That doesn't seem fair.  Maybe you ought to have someone else do this, I don't think I want to."   

"Ah Emma, I would if I could and I know it's not fair, not much is.  But, it's way too late to back out now.  Best to just get on with it." 

"I'll think about it, but I still think I'm gonna stick close to Tessa.  Being that big has to count for something."

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday Stills - a Real Triumph (and a bit about hummingbirds)

First, thanks for all the great hummingbird info, you guys are better then Google!  I have been kind of reluctant to hang feeders because, as Wendywoo put it, "they are like having another very needy pet."  Juuust what I need.  Still, there was another one in the barn today, dashing his little self against the light panels in the roof trying to get out when he realized that the big orange "flower" was a dry well.  He just could not be convinced that he couldn't get out that way so I have bowed to the inevitable and hung up a feeder.  I found a cups worth of plain sugar in the back of the cupboard so I won't be poisoning them with my honey:)

This weeks Sunday Stills challenge was "music groups or songs in pic"s.  I gotta say, I pretty much gave up on this one as soon as I read the challenge.  I like music, but I have some kind of real mental block regarding it.  I can not hear music inside my head and I can not identify it at all without lyrics that I recognize.  I can remember the words in a song if I try, but the music is an elusive, slippery thing that escapes me as soon as it stops playing.   Music Appreciation 101 was the only course in college that I nearly failed.  The exams required us to identify a bit of classical music that was played.  I studied harder for that damn course than all of the upper level science courses I was enrolled in and I just couldn't do it.  The only thing that saved me was the old frat boy's trick of answering "C" to every question.  It actually worked!  I squeaked by with a "D" and railed at the damage to my precious GPA, which at the time, I really thought mattered.  

So, I was out taking pictures the other night, just before sunset when mostly invisible things suddenly become back-lit in golden light and I took these shots of spider webs.  I don't know what these spiders are called, but they build intricate, 3D, funnel shaped webs....

Once something goes in one, they can never leave...

and I thought HA! YESSS!!, I can actually do the  Sunday Stills Challenge....

because I think of these as "Hotel California" webs:)  Take that Music Appreciation 101!


Too much mind feels a little fuzzy...

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Still no baby.  Poor Emma, her belly is hanging so low it has changed the way she walks.  It's throwing her off balance and making her stumble.  We'll all be glad when this baby finally shows up. 

We did have some unexpected visitors in the barn today.  The hummingbirds are suddenly attracted to the orange colored light that I hung in the barn as a night light so I can see Emma. This little guy somehow got tangled in a spider web and wound up on the floor in the corner of the barn.  I heard a rattling and was quite surprised to find him.  It never occurred to me that a hummingbird could get stuck in a spider web.  I guess I need to get a feeder hung up....

I don't have any sugar on hand, does anybody know if there is any reason hummingbirds can't eat honey syrup instead of sugar syrup?  It is honey from my own hive so I know there are no chemicals in it and it seems like it would actually be better for them.  I think this guy could use a boost after his ordeal...

I've been spending a lot of time on gardening while I wait for Baby to arrive.  I decided this year that all my garden beds were going to have weed fabric on them.  I tried this on one bed last year and it worked great.  It never needed weeding or watering and was the most productive bed.  It was the only bed that didn't get out of control.

I like gardening and I always have big plans and good intentions, but I can never keep up.  Something always comes up and I get behind.  I end up frustrated and depressed when things inevitably slip out of control.  The garden ceases to be fun or productive and turns instead, into a Weapon-of-Self-Destruction, a constant reminder of failure.   This year, I am trying to make sure everything is manageable with the limited time I am able to devote to it. 

Tanner, however, is not impressed with gardening no matter what I do with them...

To cheer him up and stretch my legs we took a walk around the fields just as the sun was setting, my favorite time of day.  Tanner got to to chase a rabbit and I got some nice shots of this little tree as the sun went down...

Time to tuck Emma in for the night and give her another pep-talk...

Friday, May 25, 2012

Baby Update

We are getting close.  I took half the week off to be home for Emma.  Her belly has dropped again, her flanks are sunken in and I checked the calcium level of her milk.  It's at 400ppm.  Anything over 200 usually indicates foaling will occur within 1-4 days.   400 usually means the baby is due NOW, but it's been at 400 for 2 days.  Emma did not read the rule book.  The "milk" she is producing is amber colored, is about the consistency of maple syrup and is very sticky.  If this was a mature mare, I would be expecting baby any time.  I am expecting a baby any time!

If the baby doesn't show up very soon, I am going to get a vet out here even if I have to kidnap one.  It may just come to that. The one vet is leaving for vacation, the other two don't want to come out unless I can swear it is a life or death emergency.  This big holiday weekend, there is ONE vet on call, covering 3 counties.

I haven't posted much lately about the baby because I found that writing about it was making me worry about it even more.  Something I didn't think was humanly possible.  Instead, I make up goofy stories about Emma riding lawn mowers.  They're more fun and a bit distracting to write.  Hopefully, you won't get any more goofy stories and will be seeing baby pictures instead. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Make Hay While the Sun Shines

We had several unseasonably warm ,dry days last week so Farm Buddy decided to try to get some really early, super high quality hay made.  It was only about 100 bales, but it is exceptional stuff and it was a good way to get the equipment tested and functioning for the season.  So, we spent Sunday making hay...
The tractor is an old Allis Chalmers WD 45...

All of the equipment is....ummm...shall we say, vintage?  Sounds so much nicer then old, antique, decrepit...The hay rake is ground driven and was designed to be pulled behind a team of horses... 

 The tedder is just a little bit newer and does sport that new-fangled PTO technology...

And the truck is a 1977 Chevy...

The baler is the newest piece of equipment although, definitely NOT new...

Occasionally, a neighbor really does rake hay the old fashioned way...

Regardless of how the hay gets made, the Border Collie Brigade always appreciates the wide open spaces...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Little Misunderstanding

"Hey Ma,"

"Yes Emma?"

"When are you going to teach me to drive that thing?"

"Uh...what, you mean the lawn mower?!?"

"Yeah, you keep saying you're going to teach me to drive, so when do I get to drive?"

Oh boy.  "Emma, that just so isn't the kind of driving I've been talking about.  I want to teach you to pull a sled or a cart, that kind of driving."

"WHAT!!!  That is the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard.  What does me pulling a sled around have to do with driving?  I don't see any correlation what-so-ever? Lordy-be, that's even sillier than this mythical baby you keep talking about.  I think we should stick with my plan...So, which do I get to drive, the red or the green one?"

"Em, I'm sorry.  I can't teach you to drive either of them, they just aren't designed for donkeys.  You wouldn't be able to reach the pedals.  I really don't think you would enjoy it anyway, it's very boring, noisy, tedious...Besides, it would be redundant, you're already an excellent lawn mower."

"Hrmph, not designed for me...isn't that discrimination?  What about Universal Access?  You said I am going to be a driving donkey, but now you tell me I can't drive.  I swear, you humans are so hard to understand, you have the goofiest language.  How do any of you communicate with each other?

"We do have problems with that sometimes, but we work with what we have.  Do you have another suggestion?

"Of course, you all should learn how to speak Donkey.  Then there would be no more misunderstandings and all would be right with the world.   There, now that that is settled and I have found the path to world peace and since you aren't going to teach me to drive like you promised...I see some grass that needs my attention.  I better go deal with this the donkey way."   Me pull a sled...absurd...Mom sure does have some foolish notions...


Monday, May 21, 2012

The Perils of Lawn Mowing

"BLECHH, I think I just ate a snail....

Mom really ought to inspect these better before she expects me to eat them, sheesh.  I'm out'a here, I have to go find some better dandelions. .."

Sunday Stills - Pink

I nearly skipped this one, I couldn't find any pink around my place at first.  Then, I started looking around a little harder and found quite a lot.  I think this is why I like Sunday Stills, I usually end up seeing things I might have missed otherwise.

The first two are the nearly obligatory flowers.  Flowering Quince...


 For something a little different, how about pink combs,... 

and shoe tabs...

And a lovely pink tongue:)...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Donkey of a Different Color

Have you noticed that my furry little red-brown donkey...

Has turned into a fuzzy little grey-tan donkey?...

She has shed all of her coarse, brown outer fur and left behind this silky, creamy under-coat...

Which changes a bit every day as it too sheds out.  It is filled with beautiful shades and patterns...

But, underneath all of this is some new color, that has yet to be revealed....

Whatever it is, it will still be the best color any donkey can be:)...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Day in May

It's been busy here the last couple of days, it always is in Spring. I've had a number of appointments to deal with and yesterday morning, Tessa was acting colicky.  I went out to the barn and found her lying down and she didn't want to get up.  It isn't unusual for her to be napping except that it was breakfast time.  Napping and breakfast do not coexist unless something is wrong.  I got her up and got her moving.  We walked up and down the driveway for half an hour with no results and Emma was getting upset so I decided to take Tessa out to the round pen instead.  Emma is more used to that so it doesn't bother her.  Tessa on the other hand, doesn't like leaving Emma, so it makes her a bit antsy, which I thought would be all the better.  An ansty horse always  has to go to the bathroom.  It worked, within 5  minutes I had the results I'd been hoping for and Tessa was feeling just fine:)  Since we were there and Tessa obviously needed to get some more exercise, I worked her in the pen for a few more minutes, got another pile and decided all would be well.

When we got back to the barn, I found that Emma had managed to get the feed room door open (because I was distracted and didn't lock it down completley) and had eaten Tessa's untouched breakfast.  Not exactly a huge crime since Tessa only gets two tablespoons of grain each day.  However, she also gets a full-sized-horse dose of selenium and vitamins.  I was worried that it would be too much selenium for Emma and spent the rest of the day watching both of them like a hawk.  Fortunatly, they are both fine today.  I do think I will skip Emma's selenium ration for the rest of the week though.

Riding Buddy and I went out for a ride this afternoon.  We had a nice ride, but Gabe is going through a testing phase.  He and Riding Buddy's mare have developed an intense love affair and he doeasn't want to leave her behind.  Once he does leave, he wants to get right back to her.  He wanted to do his own thing and ignore my cues so we spent most of the ride working through that.  We made progress, but I can see we need to spend more time at it.  It is all pretty typical of a young horse exploring and testing the boundries and the timing is classic.  He has settled into what he thinks is his new home and he is testing out the herd dynamics.  We'll work through it.  I just have to find enough time....

When things get hectic like this there is at least, the one quiet hour I always set aside to go walking with Tanner.  The woods are beautiful this time of year, so alive and vibrant.   A few days ago, we had one of my favorite kind of days.  It rained hard in the morning and was threatening more rain later.  I know it may sound dismal, but it's not.  The woods are so alive on a spring day like that.  The new leaves are such an irridesent shade of green that it seems like the light comes from them rather than the sky.   I have tried to capture that qualtiy of light in a photo, but it never works.  I am not sure it is possible.  Maybe a real photographer with a better camera could do it, but I have never seen a photo that quite gets it so I am not sure.   What I do know, is that it is a special kind of light that is rare and elusive.  Something that, in my mind I always think of as life-light.  And I know, that sounds kind of kooky, but it is how I think of it.  It is a thing that you can go out and be a part of, revel in, but you can't capture it.  I've tried, but it's not quite there...